Probably this is how the final result of KG Toolbox looks. I have create something there, and will start with Wall Changer. As my plan before (read other post), I will add many new thing there.
First of all, the Wall Changer will be able to read list of wallpaper, then create a list file (can create more than one) and will change the wallpaper that listed in file. We can change the wallpaper by interval time, restart or both.
The Advanced Volume Editor won't change much, but will be improved. The Block The Thief will be better than before, I will try to improve and fix the bug. Also the same with Backup Tools, I will also try fix the bug.
E2 Trigger will get much update, also the Advanced Font Editor will be able to edit all *.ini files from the skin. The Device Manager and Autorun Manager will be same as the E2 Revival (soon) have. Another two is still in plan, so I hide them now... :)
Notes: The KG Toolbox screenshot now may be different than when its ready. :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
How the KG Toolbox looks
Posted by
Jeffri H.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Category: Scripting/Programming
Huh, 64 MB used...?
See above shot, what the hell? Before the Kaleidoscope comes, we may need only 12 MB of swap, since we just have a limited multitasking. Thanks to Russian modder at, they offer us a great Kaleidoscope. The most thing I loved is the task manager. We can have an unlimited multitask! Look, the 64 MB (and 4 MB) swap is used almost all! LOL Cool, huh? That improves how useful swap is. Oh, it happens few days ago before I changed my skins.
How I manage use that much memory? Well, it happens when I playing with sensor, so I runs the Moby Explorer and Terminal Emulator at the same time. After edit the source, I compile it with ZGCC using Terminal Emulator. Then after few break, it's going like that... :) I have tried open about 40 application and games together before, it eats about 45 MB of swap. That is a cool thing that E2 can do... :)
Posted by
Jeffri H.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Category: General
My phone going crazy!!!
It was a story of two days ago but it still make me shock. What is that? My phone (ROKR E2) going crazy! What the hell is happened? The phone is running to left every times I touched the joystick! Over sensitive..! I think I will need to change joystick but then I know that I'm wrong. It just solved! How?
Well, before talking about how to solve it, let's talk about how it happen. Firstly, my phone is about 6 months old now, and you know, I use it too much. From browsing with Opera Mini, playing Java and SNES games, writing many shell scripts, oh, and mod it. Btw it had fallen once and got a great impact to ground, about 1.5 metres. That impact makes my phone hang at that moment, but wonderfully, there are not any scratch (only a single scratch about 1 mm in lock slide) and no effect in phone for sure. With all of those using and falling, I will not shock if something happens. But I'm shock.
Secondly, I always use joystick when navigate in menu, games, applications, writting (even now), playing, and more...more... With that usage (about 5-6 hours per day, even more), I will not shock if it broken after six months. But again...I'm shocked. LOL It was an over usage, huh?
Then let's get back to the story, the joystick is managed to be over sensitive last week, but it solved itself. Then few days later, the craziness come back again and solved again, by itself. Then two days ago it's going more crazy, touched and it runs to left. Also it runs many steps (like holding it), even in single touch. Oh no! What should I do? Flash to default firmware and claim to warranty? Or fix it with some money?
Then I tried to hold the joystick to left, right, up and down about 30 seconds each. It doesn't change anything. I just want to know maybe something going wrong in position. I read that it can be solved by cleaning the joystick but it's a nightmare for me since I don't know anything about opening phone and don't have any tools for it. Oh, bad...bad...
Fortunately, it solved now. Hey, know how? Read above paragraph, I said that I hold the joystick for 30 seconds in each position, hope it can be fixed but it doesn't. But there is one thing I haven't tried yet, hold the joystick to center. Then I hold the joystick (or ok) for 30 seconds and what? It solved! Haah... Heh, a while later it craziness back I hold the joystick again to center for minutes and few times. Luckily, it solved! Now, it acts like nothing happen. LOL Imagine how easy I solve it? I think I'm just get a luck for this...but who know it works for you if the samething happen? :)
Posted by
Jeffri H.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Category: General
Monday, February 4, 2008
The update of sensor
What is sensor? It was a program to change backlight brightness by reading the light sensor from E2. The light sensor was placed in (or near?) the camera anyway. I have made an update for this with more options to choose. Such as mode and speed. You can download it here.
How the sensor works? The sensor read the value from light_sensor then calculate it and change the backlight. In my update, it will read and calculate then compare the situation with the last. If the change of light condition not significant, it will avoid changing backlight and repeat read-calculate-compare again until five times (if the light stable) and reset the backlight. Btw it was the explanation of stable mode.
Another update is the ability to change speed or actually the delay between read-calculate phrase, to low, medium or fast. The low will have delay for 5 seconds, medium for 3 seconds or fast for a second. I'm not sure but I believe we can save more battery with lower speed.
So here is available flags for calling sensor:
-n >>> normal mode
-s >>> stable mode
-l >>> low speed
-m >>> medium speed
-f >>> fast speed
-h >>> show helps
For example:
sensor -f -n >>> run in fast and normal mode
sensor -sl >>> run in stable mode and low speed
The default is stable mode and medium speed (if no flags specified).
Btw normal mode will not do comparing. Enjoy!
Posted by
Jeffri H.
Monday, February 04, 2008
My another ROKR look
Today, I playing around my SD card, seeing each files inside, then I saw my old skins folder. Yes, it was old since it stored about one year ago from my first E2, the white one (now I own the mandarin color). I looked around and see many older skin like NFS, Heroes, Motohappy, even the Silvery White skins. But it just a start for this story.
After that I tried the skins one by one, just to remind me how those skins looks. While I tried it (one by one), I think that I got bored with my current skins -the QuickLook- and decide to change it. But every skins there was too out of date and many of them was incomplete, I mean they didn't replace all of the basic icons. Then after play with them, I'm going to search my newer skins that I have downloaded before.
Looking around my EXT3 storage (which I used to store my downloaded files) and found a few skins like Ubuntu, Leopard, Vista, Moto Hell, and more... But again, I have used them for a few while before. Then, I found a file that makes me interest, the name was guijq.rar. I can remember that was a skins that I never use. So I opened the package and copy the skin to one of my list. I saw the name was FREE, but I think it should be Freedom or something like that. Oh, the guijq is the authors of the skins.
First time I tried it, I feel this skins was ugly and like a kind of joke. Why? Because there wasn't a pointer or hightlight the selected menu. We won't know what menu we choose. What the hell...? Oh, one more, the transparency was 0..! So why I use this skin now? The reason is I like the softkey, options, header, and many more except the main menu! Since I'm not good in editing skins graphics and I'm far away from PC, I decide to have some edit in the *.ini files there and edit it every where.
So I open the common.ini, phone_p.ini and mainmenu_p.ini with Moby Explorer and start editing it. With a small knowledge (I'm noob), I change the transparency to 50, make a different size of font in highlighted menu (so it's okay now), decrease every font size, change border of header, softkey, multiline, also change the padding. Then I restart my phone.
After the phone boot, I browse around the menu and feel okay, just something to edit or fix and done. So now I open the ini files again and change something. Btw now I set the transparency to 100, change the icon size to 4x4 menu (use a bigger size), then again, restart my phone. Now I feel better with the skins. Here is some screenshot for my new look of my ROKR E2:
I also changed the font now, from Sylfaen to Teen. :) I also found this font in my old
Posted by
Jeffri H.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Category: Modding
Play with C
I have been a Bash shell scripter for a few months, now I can write a middle size scripts for my lovely ROKR E2. But then I realized that I need to learn more, especially to make a faster native program, then I will need C, C++ or Python. Python is a nice language, but I read that Python run slower than C. Then after read a thread in about ZGCC (GCC for Zaurus) that works in EZX, I tried to run it and voila, it works! I need this because I don't have a Linux PC and far away from PC, so coding directly in my mobile is the best solution for me.
However, it can't work 100%, the "make" and the "moc" is some that can't work, exactly it doesn't compatible very well. It also not compatible with some headers, especially the C++ one. But I think it can compile C very well. That is the reason I take a serious learn for C. Another reason is that C sounds easier for me, since I'm Bash shell scripter before, I'm enjoying C better than C++. :)
After a few days deal with C (I started at 31 January 2008), I write the modified of sensor (see another post) by Rider_ALT. I interest with this because this is a wonderful program but very small program too. It helps me a lot for learn C better.
In the beginning, I always forget to include semi-colon (;) in the end of statement. :( It happens because my style of scripting that never include semi-colon (because it doesn't effect much in Bash), but it really needed in C. That makes me confuse every time the compiler tell me an
I also can't understand much about arrays and pointers, this both is a new thing for me and really confusing. Well...well... It just a few days of learn... I need a couple of months to understand Bash shell better. So it just beginning for a noob like me. :) However, my plan about KG Toolbox (read another post) will need this.
Posted by
Jeffri H.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Category: Scripting/Programming